Monday, 1 July
UPDATE: Pandora has been released from hospital and is at home. Her cat has also been found and the two have been reunited.
Old Update: Pandora's release has been approved, she is going home.
Pandora's release is set for today. Thank you so much to everyone who helped her - I feel no doubt at all that if this had not received the response it didfrom all across the internet, she would still be locked up in a cell.
The future
Unfortunately I have not been updating this page as often as I hoped to, as I currently have COVID and have very low energy. Once I am feeling a bit better I will be talking with Pandora to update and expand the story and add more details of communication with her that we had during her time inside, and am going to be working with her on seeking compensation for her mistreatment at Sherwood Oaks.